The Future of Light Therapy
Light therapy has been shown to be extremely beneficial and will continue to play a huge role in the future of medicine for treating many conditions, including wound healing.
We invite you to read a few of the studies published to get a preview for what’s to come.
The day may not be far off when most homes will have a light source (most likely a LED device) to be used for aches, pains, cuts, bruises, joints, and which can also be applied to the hair and even transcranially to the brain.1
REFERENCE:1 Hasmi JT, Huang YY, Osmani BZ, et al. Role of Low-Level Laser Therapy in Neurorehabilitation. PM&R. Dec. 2010;2(12):S292-S305.
Clinical Publications
Comparison of laser & diode sources for acceleration of in vitro wound healing by low-level light therapy
—Journal of Biomedical Optics
Combination of low-level light therapy & nitrosyl-cobinamide accelerates wound healing
—Journal of Biomedical Optics